The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker
The Last Great Smoker

3D Metal Wall Sculpture

The Last Great Smoker


I have always admired the works of Pablo Picasso. He pushed every boundary of 20th century art, revolutionizing the international art market. He embraced creativity as he developed new modern art movements, like Cubism. His vibrant and energetic style greatly influenced the dynamism in my own works. His innovation and experimentation encouraged me to experiment with new techniques and styles in my studio. I feel sometimes that his imaginative spirit runs through my veins. His memory encourages my artistic growth.

Edition - 295

Size - 144x72 cm / 45"x28"

Layers - 3

Year - 1997 

Technique - Mixed Media Cutout Aluminum