3D Metal Wall Sculpture
Street View
My art is a way to reflect my thoughts about life. I live in an urban environment in a big city and have lived most of my life in prominent cities around the world. I mostly feel a sense of crowdedness and urgency and that’s something I try to reflect in the crowds that I paint. When I started painting crowds, it was the people of New York City and they were primarily generic, cartoon-like figures rushing in no apparent direction, but with time this has changed. Now, the crowd I paint is made up of individuals with characteristics that could make you guess where they are going and where they are from. When looking at ‘Street View’ can you tell which city each figure in the crowd originates from?
Edition - 150
Size - 180x65 cm / 71"×26"
Layers - 1
Year - 2018
Technique - Mixed Media Cutout Aluminum