Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4
Pond New 4

3D Metal Wall Sculpture

Pond New 4


Water is one of the most comforting and beautiful artworks of nature. The pond itself is an oasis of serenity, elegant and shimmering. Every pond tells a story from the lotus fighting through the mud to reach the light, to the koi half hidden below the surface with the viewer only catching glimpses of their shimmering scales. Every stroke of paint is another layer added to the story of the pond. A scene of tranquility changing ever so slightly with every passing moment.

Edition - 150

Size - 115x115 cm / 45"×45"

Year - 2022

Technique - Mixed Media Cutout Aluminum