Jazz and the City - Saxophone
Jazz and the City - Saxophone
Jazz and the City - Saxophone
Jazz and the City - Saxophone
Jazz and the City - Saxophone
Jazz and the City - Saxophone
Jazz and the City - Saxophone

3D Metal Wall Sculpture

Jazz and the City - Saxophone


I love to listen to music and enjoy various types: from classical to modern to jazz, they give pleasure to my ears just like how art gives pleasure to my eyes. When my son was a teenager I took him to New York City before he entered the army for a father-son tour of the best jazz clubs. When we returned I felt I had to paint the rhythms of the New York City jazz scene. The sounds of the saxophones were swirling around my head for months. I would close my eyes and see myself there in front of the stage watching the saxophonist play as the music moved through the crowd and made people dance. Still today I paint dancers while envisioning the saxophonists from those days in New York with my son.

Edition - 150

Size - 88x89 cm / 35"×35"

Layers - 3

Year - 2004 

Technique - Mixed Media Cutout Aluminum