Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet
Jazz and the City - Clarinet

3D Metal Wall Sculpture

Jazz and the City - Clarinet


The world of music is part of my life. I love to listen to music and enjoy different types: from classical to modern to jazz. Like the art that I practice, music is a form of communication, it is a tool of expression. It brings pleasure or joy, either through the ears or the eyes. It enriches our life or our life experience. Music and fine art go hand-in-hand so beautifully. 

Edition - 150

Size - 88x83 cm / 34.5"×32.5"

Layers - 3

Year - 2004 

Technique - Mixed Media Cutout Aluminum