Disco Trance
Disco Trance
Disco Trance
Disco Trance
Disco Trance
Disco Trance
Disco Trance

3D Metal Wall Sculpture

Disco Trance


My first introduction was in the discothèque in Paris in the late ‘60s and then again in New York shortly after I moved to the buzzing city. It felt like those nights at the discothèque were imperative to the conception of my artistic style. When I would go dancing I became fully immersed in the atmosphere and the music, losing myself to the dance. This is what I intend to re-envision through my art. The longer you spend in front of this piece do you enter the trance of the disco?

Edition - 150

Size - 45x50 cm / 18"×20"

Layers - 2

Year - 2012

Technique - Mixed Media Cutout Aluminum